Friday, December 17, 2010
Don't forget that if you are planning to have your child do a makeup class on this coming Wednesday the 22 you need to email Jamie at so she can tell you what time to have them come! Thank you
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Holiday Schedule
Tuesday December 21 will be the last lesson for the month of December. Tuition MUST be paid by this day at the latest! Wednesday December 22 will be the makeup day for the day we canceled due to the storm or if for any other reason your child needs to make a makeup class. Please email Jamie at if your child will be there and she will tell you what time to have them come. Please have your children practice the tricks that they can over the Christmas break! Also remember that you can also find us on FB under Jamies tumbling and Cheer! Thank you and we hope you all have a wonderful holiday season this year!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
We are not going to have tumbling tonight Tuesday November 23rd due to the storm that is supposed to be coming in tonight! We will be having a makeup day for the class and will let you know when it is going to be! Thank you and we hope you all have a safe night
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanksgiving break!
There will be no tumbling this Thursday November 25 due to Thanksgiving. Classes will be as normal all the rest of the week! Tuition is still the same for the month Thank you
Friday, November 12, 2010
More Good Work!
Heidi's Wed 4:15-5:15 class
Talya got her kick over on the floor by herself
Kate O. got her kick over on the floor by herself
Heidi and Camillas Mon/Wed class
Hampton got her Back bend and Kick over on the floor by herself
Emily can do her back bend on the floor by herself
Kyli can do her back bend on the floor by herself
We are so proud of our students and have seen lots of progress
Keep up the good work
And remember to practice, practice at home!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Just a reminder to please make sure you are paying your tuition on the first lesson of the month. If you do not pay on the first lesson please include the 10.00 late fee with the payment. Thank you and if you have any questions please let us know
Monday, October 4, 2010
UEA Break
Just a reminder that there will be no tumbling on Thursday October 14 due to the UEA break. Tuition is still the same for the month. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Awesome job!
We are off to such a great start this year with our tumbling classes
We thought it would be fun to use the blog to show off some of the tricks our students are doing and passing off
Kate S.
Kate O.
Our students are doing so awesome and we can't wait to post more of what they are doing in the future!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Housekeeping Business
Just a few reminders:
normal classes will resume Tuesday September 7
**Tuition is still the same for the month**
Watch your emails for any email reminders that might be sent out
If you have a student in the Monday or Wednesday 6:15-7:15
or the Tuesday Thursday 5:15-6:15 classes
Please be on time to pick your child up. Our classes end right at that time and our teachers would appreciate them being picked up on time. If this gets to be any sort of problem we will have to start charging for the time we have to stay after class while we wait with your child. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Feel free to leave any comments or questions you might have here on this blog or contact Jamie at 801-541-9887.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
We have now started a Jamies tumbling and Cheer group on FB so go ahead and check it out and join the group if you have a FB account! Feel free to post any questions or comments on the FB Wall if you want.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
We appologize
We just want to say sorry if things seem a little crazy for these next couple weeks. We are busy watching everyone and making changes to different classes where changes are needed. We want to make sure that each of our students are in the best class that fits them so we appologize if we have to shuffle you around a bit. So please hang in there with us until we get a little more settled and the classes are all situated. Thanks!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It was a success!
We think that the first day of tumbling was a success and we look foward to a great year with everyone!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Getting Excited!
We are all getting so excited and look foward to beginning classes this Wednesday. Just a reminder that if you have not paid your registration fee it is due on the first lesson. It is 60.00. The registration fee is 15.00 registration + 35.00 costume deposit + 10.00 recital fee = 60.00. Also tuition for the month is due in addition to the registration fee on the first lesson. Tuition is as follows: 30.00 for a 45 min. class; 35.00 for an hour class 1x a week; 60.00 for an hour class 2x a week and 70.00 for a 2x a week + cheer class. Tuition is always due the first lesson of the month. If you ever have any questions at all please feel free to contact Jamie at 801-541-9887. We look foward to a great year ahead of us with all of you.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Space available
We currently have space available in our 45 min. class which is for beginners ages 3-5 so if you know of anyone who is interested please let us know. Also if you refer a friend to that class you will recieve 10.00 off your next months tuition.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
New Classes
Can you believe that it is already time to start classes back up for the year! This summer has gone by so fast but we are so excited to begin classes here in August and are really looking forward to the students and classes we have for this year. All of you should have either talked to us or recieved a message from us letting you know when your daughters class day and time is going to be. Since this blog is going to be a new major way that we keep in contact with you parents we will also post the class days and time here
Sr. Elite/ 7th Grade and older tumbling and Cheer
Monday 3:15-4:15(Camilla)/Thursday 3:30-5:15(Jamie)
Classes start Thursday August 5
Kylee F.
Kyrsten P.
Kamrie D.
Alyssa M.
McKenzie C.
Anna B.
Karlie C.
Noelle D.
Kaitlyn S.
Mikaela F.
Morgan C.
Mallorie S.
Jessie T. Thursdays only from 4:15-5:15
Callie K. Thursdays only from 4:15-5:15
Jr. Elite
Monday 4:15-5:15 (Camilla)/Wednesday 5:15-6:15 (Heidi)
Classes begin on Wednesday August 4
Abbey L.
Addy T.
Adysen L.
Ashley D.
Hannah G.
Macy B.
Annika H.
Erin B.
Brianne R.
Anzeli L.
Sr. Pre-Elite
Tuesday 6:15-7:15(Katie)/Thursday 5:15-6:15 (Camilla)
Classes begin on Thursday August 5
Alyssa H.
Ellie A.
Sydney H.
Mollie W.
Shayla M. (Tuesday only)
Ella R.
Kylee N.
Sydnie M.
Jesse W.
Ellie W. (Tuesday only)
Jr. Pre-Elite
Tuesday 5:15-6:15 (Katie)/Thursday 6:15-7:15(Camilla)
Classes start on Thursday August 5
Haylie J.
McKenzie C.
Alyssa H.
Kenzi N.
Chloe O.
Hollee G.
Mylee M.
Jr. Starz I
Monday 5:15-6:15(Camilla)/Wednesday 6:15-7:15(Heidi &Jordan)
Classes begin on Wednesday August 4
Emma T.
Hailee D.
Gracie A.
Mary B.
Leah K.
Olivia K.
Hannah H. (Wednesday Only)
Kyli V. (Wednesday Only)
Danielle L. (Wednesday only)
Maddi D (Wednesday only)
Beth M. (Wednesday only)
Rachel J. (Monday only)
Brinley Allen (Monday only)
Jr. Starz II
Wednesday 4:15-5:15 (Heidi & Jordan)
Classes start on Wednesday August 4
Lily G
Charly G
Bella C.
Ellie B.
Brooklyn B.
Ryan J.
Kate S.
Aleah O.
Madeline G.
Talya S.
Kate O.
Wednesday 3:15-4(Jordan)
Classes start Wednesday August 4
Brinley N.
Ivory T.
Ashton C.
Boston C.
***Just a reminder that tuition is due on the first class of every month. Also a reminder that the 60.00 registration fee is due on your daughters first lesson. Thank you and we look foward to another great year this year!
Sr. Elite/ 7th Grade and older tumbling and Cheer
Monday 3:15-4:15(Camilla)/Thursday 3:30-5:15(Jamie)
Classes start Thursday August 5
Kylee F.
Kyrsten P.
Kamrie D.
Alyssa M.
McKenzie C.
Anna B.
Karlie C.
Noelle D.
Kaitlyn S.
Mikaela F.
Morgan C.
Mallorie S.
Jessie T. Thursdays only from 4:15-5:15
Callie K. Thursdays only from 4:15-5:15
Jr. Elite
Monday 4:15-5:15 (Camilla)/Wednesday 5:15-6:15 (Heidi)
Classes begin on Wednesday August 4
Abbey L.
Addy T.
Adysen L.
Ashley D.
Hannah G.
Macy B.
Annika H.
Erin B.
Brianne R.
Anzeli L.
Sr. Pre-Elite
Tuesday 6:15-7:15(Katie)/Thursday 5:15-6:15 (Camilla)
Classes begin on Thursday August 5
Alyssa H.
Ellie A.
Sydney H.
Mollie W.
Shayla M. (Tuesday only)
Ella R.
Kylee N.
Sydnie M.
Jesse W.
Ellie W. (Tuesday only)
Jr. Pre-Elite
Tuesday 5:15-6:15 (Katie)/Thursday 6:15-7:15(Camilla)
Classes start on Thursday August 5
Haylie J.
McKenzie C.
Alyssa H.
Kenzi N.
Chloe O.
Hollee G.
Mylee M.
Jr. Starz I
Monday 5:15-6:15(Camilla)/Wednesday 6:15-7:15(Heidi &Jordan)
Classes begin on Wednesday August 4
Emma T.
Hailee D.
Gracie A.
Mary B.
Leah K.
Olivia K.
Hannah H. (Wednesday Only)
Kyli V. (Wednesday Only)
Danielle L. (Wednesday only)
Maddi D (Wednesday only)
Beth M. (Wednesday only)
Rachel J. (Monday only)
Brinley Allen (Monday only)
Jr. Starz II
Wednesday 4:15-5:15 (Heidi & Jordan)
Classes start on Wednesday August 4
Lily G
Charly G
Bella C.
Ellie B.
Brooklyn B.
Ryan J.
Kate S.
Aleah O.
Madeline G.
Talya S.
Kate O.
Wednesday 3:15-4(Jordan)
Classes start Wednesday August 4
Brinley N.
Ivory T.
Ashton C.
Boston C.
***Just a reminder that tuition is due on the first class of every month. Also a reminder that the 60.00 registration fee is due on your daughters first lesson. Thank you and we look foward to another great year this year!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Great job!
Didn't all the girls just do so awesome the other night at the recital? We sure think so. What a wonderful year we had with everyone this year. We will now begin to put our classes for next year together so if you haven't turned in your registration form and want your daughter to take again next year please contact Jamie as soon as you can. Thank you everyone and we look foward to another great year.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Recital info!
Just a reminder to have your girls dressed and ready to go @ Bingham High School @ 6:00 PM tomorrow Monday June 14. The recital will begin at 6:30. Also a reminder if you still haven't paid June tuition it will need to be paid by tomorrow before your child can participate in the recital. Thank you and we look foward to showcasing all we have been doing this year.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dress Rehersal
We just want to thank everyone who came and participated in dress rehersal today. We feel like it was a success and are so excited to be one step closer to our recital! Just a reminder to have your girls dressed and ready to go at Bingham High in the auditorium on Monday @ 6:00, the recital starts at 6:30! Thanks everyone and we look foward to having your girls show you all the awesome tricks they have learned and improved this year.
For now here are pictures of all the cute classes

For now here are pictures of all the cute classes
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
**Reminder** Dress Rehersal
Just a reminder about dress rehersal on Thursday June 10 @ Bingham High School in the auditorium
*Thursday 3:30-4:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Tuesday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Tuesday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Wednesday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in a pony tail)
*Wednesday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 6:15 class (hair in pony tail)
Please have your daughter to Bingham on time with her costume on and hair done ready to go. We are excited to be one step closer to our recital and know our students are excited to show off what they have learned and mastered this year!
*Thursday 3:30-4:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Tuesday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Tuesday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Wednesday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in a pony tail)
*Wednesday 5:15-6:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 4:15-5:15 class (hair in 2 pony tails or 2 braids)
*Thursday 6:15 class (hair in pony tail)
Please have your daughter to Bingham on time with her costume on and hair done ready to go. We are excited to be one step closer to our recital and know our students are excited to show off what they have learned and mastered this year!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
We are so excited to have our tumbling blog up and running. We hope this will be a fun and informative way for you to stay in the loop with what is going on at Jamies Tumbling and Cheer. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions at anytime. Coming soon monthly calanders and posted updates. We will also be recoginizing students who have mastered a trick they have been working especially hard on. We're looking forward to our upcoming recital and the start of our new classes.
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